How to Make a QR Code for FREE

Spread Your Message with QR Codes

Back before QR codes were what they are today, I made my own and put them on my vehicles. I made small ones, bigger ones, and banners. The coolest thing about QR codes is you can easily change the linked destination from your personal account. Got a message you want to share with your world? Spread your message! Here's an easy way how to Make a QR Code for FREE.
Ryans first QR Code for his business
Ryans first QR Code for his business

Why Use QR Codes?

Why Use QR Codes
With a little forethought and minimal planning, QR Codes can be used anywhere and on anything. I made stickers at Sticker Mule.
Example: Open the QR reader on your phone, scan it, and follow instructions. (this goes to Cherrywood Custom YouTube Channel)
With today's technology, your phone camera likely recognizes QR codes and prompts you to open the link.
You have probably noticed some restaurant owners have replaced printed menus with online viewing from your phone for added convenience by placing a QR code sticker on the table in front of you.
T-shirts are great. I find many people would rather open their phones and snap a picture of the QR code on my back from a distance as opposed to catching up, tapping me on the shoulder and talking to me for whatever reason.
Magnets are cool because you can stick them on a stop sign, a bus stop, a mail box, a bathroom stall or even a metal building or garage door without damaging property. You can even include a message in your QR destination telling people to move your magnet to another location to reach more people. Yeah sure, a magnet may end up in a garbage can, but certainly not before someone captures it.
Billboards, building and buses have large banners that can be seen and photographed from a distance.

Where Does a QR Code link to?

Before you make a QR code, you have to have a purpose for it. QR codes link to somewhere. When someone captures your code, where do you want them to go?
Here are some ideas for where you can link a QR code:
  • Website
  • YouTube channel
  • TikTok profile
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Churches and religious centers
  • Functions and meetups
  • Events
  • Groups
The list is endless. QR codes can be linked anywhere you want.

How to Make a FREE QR Code

It is free to make QR codes if you know where to go. I went to this place to Make a QR Code: MobiBrix™ - Reusable QR Codes for Multiple Uses
  1. Setup an account
  2. Add your first QR redirect. Click the gray tab Add New Redirection
  3. Add your description.
  4. Add your URL. IMPORTANT: Be sure to change http:// to https:// to link securely. Add an "s" after http.
  5. Click Add New Redirection
  6. Click gray tab Manage Redirections
  7. Click Test to make sure your link works properly
  8. Go back and click JPG
  9. Once you image opens, right click the QR code and select Save image as
  10. In the File name:, leave the QR code title and add your personal title after it. Example: XJ5LPZ RyanBruzan QR Code
  11. Select the folder on your computer where you want to save your QR code image to
  12. That's it. You now have a QR code.
Now that you have your QR code, you can use your QR code image to make your merch. T-shirts, mugs, stickers, magnets, whatever you want!
Steps to How to Make a FREE QR Code
Easy Steps to Make a FREE QR Code

A Little History

Where did QR codes even come from? In short summary, a Japanese auto manufacture. Wikipedia does a better job telling it than I do.🤔