A Bored Man is Not a Scared Man

You know what it's like to provoke a bored man? Lemme tell ya. This theory spawned from the thought and wonder about how far I could get before someone calls security.


A bored man is not a scared man. Any assumed stroke of fear is nothing more than a poke of aggravation. A bored man doesn't stay aggravated very long, but only long enough to go right back into boredom awaiting the next poke.


A bored man doesn't have anything to lose. He's not afraid to die. He learned that life is not something he has as a condition of his own making or taking. He knows there are greater powers at work giving him each breath he is privileged to take.


A bored man is not wreckless. Though he would jump out of a perfectly good airplane without a parachute, he has a certain plan and knows the risks that come with such responsible, chosen execution. A bored man values life more than any occupied man does, he has plenty of time to sit, think, analyze and ponder about such values.


Success is mandatory to a bored man, he will not lose. He is organized in any apparent chaos, calculated beyond any mathematic equation, and determined to pass all tests and complete all tasks to achieve a desired end result. And in doing so, he will strive for perfection, and knows that achieving excellence is acceptional and satisfying.


A bored man doesn't concern himself with hitting home runs and scoring touchdown. He only need set up the navigational beacons that show his prized and valued players the way. Like a world series winning coach, he activates the hands of those required to help carry him toward completion and the final win.


I'm bored.