A Working Knowledge and Act of Peace and Love

Seeing Is Not Believing. How can one enjoy an eternal heaven if they only seem to experience and emphasize qualities of a life in hell? Put that in the chatbot. 🤣


It's simple, you can't. This life is about finding peace and learning to love through its struggles and difficulties. Without a working knowledge and act of peace and love, heaven cannot be entered. Until that happens, until one fights to live peace and love, the process will continue to repeat itself again and again.


There a lot more to it than that, it's not just about peace and love. Eternity does not exist in a vacuum. Becoming peace and love is the only grease that allows us to slip through the chains and bars that bind us here. The purpose of life on this planet must be fulfilled by every living soul in order to move on to the next phase.


What is it about this life that causes sight only when something is not there, or removed? Why does appreciation only seen to come when something enjoyed for a moment disappears and goes away. What is it that becomes a longing for such that I seen to can no longer have, like a loved one? That's part of the human experience. As such we enjoy the essence and invisible presence of that which only "appears" to be invisible and absent.


The opposite of greed is appreciation. The only way to accumulate priceless treasures and great riches is by appreciating the things given. Take note the special gifts we keep through life. Those are examples of treasure.


Here's a thought for the day everyday. If my eternity were to be determined by the qualities of the state of my mental existence this very moment, what would my heaven look like?