History is NOT My Maker
The worst type of experiences I experienced in my younger experienced life was when I was falsely accused of doing something I did not do. Even worse of the worst was when someone made up their own version of my true story and made it false.
I was stayed at Uncle T's one weekend. That place was boring to me. I was about 6 or 7. I was naturally fascinated with the toy sections of the stores and magazines. One day, I went into Ribordy Drugstore on 169th and Grand Ave. I wanted a cap gun and caps to go with it. When I left the store, I decided to ride my bike around the other way and around back where the trucks delivered. While riding I saw a bill on the pavement, skidded my wheels to a stop, and discovered $5. I was a cappy hamper!
Jumped back on my bike when a few revolutions later there was another bill on the pavement. $10! Holy crap, the Cloud Nine Candy Apple angels were real!
I ran back into that store, snatched two cap guns and two packs of caps, one for me and one for my brother.
When I got back to Uncle T's, Mr. curly hair, bifocal-wearing, yellow finger discount cigarette chained smoker accused me of stealing the money from his son's Pringles can piggy bank. I did no such thing.
Long story shortened, I was cut, wounded and scarred for life.
I think there is too often a state of BS that causes people to blame someone or something else when something does not go their way. Or it doesn't happen the way they think their fake, telekinetic, make-something-from-nothing imagination fails to produce. For example, when these people lose their own money via the workings of their own real endeavors, they blame it on external factors instead of their own careless and inattentive choices. Because that's how mommy and daddy did it, right? That's how mommy and daddy beat it into them with their sticks and belts and switches. Or whoever. Mommies and Daddies can be bullies, too, ya know.
It is severely unfortunate that so many children experience education from adverse and abusive, physical and mental and emotional and spiritual, actions against them in their formative years. It's a sad state that many of these young people grow up not knowing they have full control of their minds and brains and abilities, beyond such aggressions, to create good and positive experiences with their own lives.
There is no defect. Every single human being born in this planet has a mind that they are in control of. Psychiatrists would have us believe otherwise. They don't want this truth getting out. Don't listen to me, though, my credibility carries no special degree or diploma. Real life experience and attention to piecing it all together can only come from textbooks, so they would have me believe. But, A for effort, F for the report card. 😉
Have a nice day! Oh, and if you and everyone else keeps publicly playing dumb instead of being real, what good does that contribute to the love that emanates from good people. There are more good people in this world than you and I can count. We don't hide, we just don't get the spotlight like all the evildoers get. Let your goodness light shine brightly!
History is NOT my maker, I am. Creativity and making are the gifts God gave me and gave you, too. Use them unlimitedly. Make your God proud, whatever that may mean to you.