Lack of Control You Never Had to Begin With
A Note about Training
As if I didn't have any more ramblings of the cerebral encounter, consider, this is a training environment. Therefore, you are not going to get the full effect here. If this was an actual event, you would possess zero control as automation initiates, engages and executes. For you, whoever you are, you would essentially be merely an out-of-body spectator watching as an act occurs. The result, actually not a result, rather the permanent state of your natural existence is lack of control, you never have it to begin with. You are nothing more than just another robocaller chiming in on my cellular leveler (um, that's an extraterrestrial cellaphone).
Playing Dumb and Who's in Charge
by the genius you choose not to follow.
"Controlled" in law is impossible. It's a myth, a legend, and falls inline with "faith." How so? It requires belief in something perceived as real that cannot be proven. Need an example? Mary and Juan are considered "controlled" by law, carry an imprisoning penalty, AND (this is important) readily available and on the loose for anyone to acquire, even your smallest of children.
Oh, you didn't know? Yes you did. The problem occurs when willfully assumed ignorance comes into play as to say, "but I didn't know." In Kentucky they call that "playing dumb." Raise your hand, who never plays that? Huh?
con·trol (kən-trōl′)
tr.v. con·trolled, con·trol·ling, con·trols
1. To exercise authoritative or dominating influence over; direct: ex. The majority party controls the legislative agenda. See Synonyms at conduct.
2. To adjust to a requirement; regulate: ex. rules that control trading on the stock market; valves that control the flow of water.
3. To hold in restraint; check: ex. struggled to control my temper.
Opinion For Entertainment Purposes Only
Basically, governments are fake and false and fictional entities that YOU allow to rape, steal, traffic and kill your children. Are you playing dumb, or are you choosing to be that dumb. Wait, don't answer that. Play dumb.
Oh, you didn't know? Yes you did. The problem occurs when willfully assumed ignorance come into play as to say, "but I didn't know." On Kentucky they call that "playing dumb." Raise your hand, who never plays that? Huh?