Climb to the Top of the Hill and See

Once I was a prisoner. Difference now is just the outfit doesn't look the same.
Before my eyes open in the mornings and I find myself coming back to the awake state, I have morning revelations. They occur constantly. Some call it racing thoughts. It is what it is. I'm not broken, don't need any medicine to fix it. It's like this: Out of nowhere comes this thought...
OH snap! That's what that means! Young men will see visions (hopes and desires), old men shall dream dreams (wishing they could go back and fix it). Duh!
Before choosing the path of enlightenment, gotta cut away the anchors before proceeding.
All my life, it seems, I have been living in a state of stuck, one right after the other. I have learned I do not have to stay in that place anymore. I hear the place constantly calling and inviting me to come back. There's always a lure. If I'm not careful, mindful, I can find myself whisked away to another what-the-hell-was-that, or a where-did-that-come-from. Why would anybody ever want to go back to stuck. That place can never be cleaned up.
Met a man a few months ago, heard his name through the grapevine. I'll just call Bill. Problem is, Bill no longer walks the earth. I'm not crazy, but I met Bill. I have been in a secret program he introduced me to a few months ago, 148 days to be exact.
This program, or practice or path or whatever it is, is something else. Looking back to the start it was like looking up a long, steep hill. Fast forward to when I made it to the top, it was like I was looking across a plane. In the distance I could faintly see other hills and mountains, more opportunities to climb.

I slowed down, sometimes stopped for a moment, zoomed in, scanned the horizon, and saw what I had been missing. There is more beyond the wall of trees. Cut the anchor, move forward and see.
If I had an old tent back then, it would have been successful. Oh, well. Never did stop me.
Remind me to tell you about that time I climbed up on my roof with a homemade parachute.
And jumped. 🤣