Not Only Do I Believe I can Fly, I Know I Can Fly
I recently said I was going to learn to fly. I also said there was something up there for me and I was going up there to get it. Not only do I believe I can fly, I know I can fly. And this time, my first time, what did I get when I went up there? This article is a reflection of my #firstparamotorflight.
"Before getting off the ground I had to turn my hoodie around and tuck the hood into my shirt in front of me."
Born This Way
Being "born this way" is a tyranny of life. This is how I am, therefore, I am stuck and cannot change, cannot be anything else. I was born a human being. Not a dog, not a fish, not a bird. A human.
I feel like I am stuck in a forced lifetime eternity of communist selection by no choice of my own. I can't know that for sure, that I did or did not have a choice before arriving here, and here I am. Despite that, I am able, capable and willing the bend the laws of my being and experience self-selected enhancements to such a limited condition. There are cares, concerns and warning that accompany such behaviors, and there are also means of showing and delivering respects for such.
I can crawl, walk and run as a result of intense, naturally reconstructive training and breaking in, often without any need for special devices. Articial mechanisms have become available over time and are required in order to defy the limits and boundaries of my natural abilities in order to move faster, farther.
I can swim. I must move my body in water to stay afloat or make any directional motion. Compared to walking, articial mechanisms have become available over time and are required in order to defy or enhance the limits and boundaries of my nature to move faster, farther.
I can naturally walk and swim without any need for any artificial means of movement. I can move out and I can move down, but I cannot move up. To move up, there will always be a need for some type of mechanism that allows flight. In any case I am limited by the mechanism's abilities and the fuel supply.
Respect for Energy
All these conditions, walking, swimming and flying, require a one-of-a-kind superpower, a lifeforce: energy. That force and energy, though made to be used in a vast, infinite variety of means and metrics, is one and the same. Energy is a seemingly neverending supply as long as there is a fuel source to power it.
Energy is the ultimate conundrum of scientific exploration, is it not? Every scientist want to knows the source of that singular energy. They all come, to whatever extent, to the borders of knowing exactly what that energy really is, yet not one has ever scaled the wall or broken through to such knowledge by means of hypothetic conclusion. Nope, not one.
Yesterday I "climbed" higher than any Babylonian ever to see if I could touch the hand of Energy. Reckon I didn't climb high enough, but I sensed the feeling.
Growing Pain Energy
There is also pain energy. Pain energy introduces itself with the spreading of wings for the first time. Pain energy is a requirement for managing the power of life energy. Fortunately, pain energy, though rarely if ever comfortable, is not powerful enough, at any level, to extinguish life energy.
On a side note, of all the people I encountered, not one person asked why I was wearing my hoodie backward. In my own way of stating it, my instructor Matt at Sky Shark PPG commented, "Not a single bird in the history of birdkind ever died as a result of flying. Not one, ever." He's right, that is true. Flying is not what would kill me. Improper execution and/or failure to learn and respect the rules of flight are the contributions available to ending life. Even energy itself fully and precisely respects the rules and laws of life. No question about it. No hypothesis necessary.
Energy lives and operates in a circular manner. Energy has no beginning and no end. Energy always was, is, and ever will be.
To the scientists: You can never find what does not exist. Like you, scientists, I cannot prove that, you simply have to know it. It is what it is and that is just too simple, isn't it?
"I am not the first to make discoveries, just the first to discover for myself." ~Ryan
That was my first attempt to set myself in stone. I've only been up once solo pilot so far. I resume training a few weeks. That first time, though, exhilarating to say the least. I was hesitant to have so much life in my hands, literally. Every emotion, every phychological condition imaginable, every focus every observation, all firing at the same time. I was the pilot, nobody else was flying that aircraft for me. I'm for round two, especially now that I got through the first flight.
The Fear
Put aside that fear? I have that, too. Before the first flight was a first attempt. I buckled. Before that, I procrastinated. I then said to myself, "You are going up there to get what is there for you sooner or later. It's always gonna be sooner, even if its later, so get on with it already!" When I was born, I was given courage. Everybody is given courage. I just want to use it to the best and highest of my ability. This activity is doing that for me and it's fricken intensely amazing.
Oh, snap, a pep talk. For me, but you can have it, too, if you want it. 😁 Whatever it is you want to do that fear stands in the way, it is just a big, scary, dark shadow in the right amount of light. The fear is actually quite tiny.
How I Made This Blog Post
Just a quick note about how I made this blog post. I use WordPress to build my websites and create a lot of my content. Most often, thought not the easiest method, I use my Android phone to upload images and videos into the Media section of my WordPress Dashboard. The process is quite simple, although like everything else, it takes time to build a personal skillset for the activity. You know, like learning to fly. Fun, fun, indeed.
You are inspiring!!!
You are inspiring!!! Brave and amazing
Thank you.
Great narrative and perspective. You WILL be an amazing pilot, and this is a wonderful way to document that transformation! Good job Ryan!!
Thank you Matt. Whatever the word is for beyond grateful for this opportunity, that is what I am.