Notes, Thoughts and Ideas on Perfection, Just Perfect
Perfection, Just Perfect.
I promise I'm not conceited, self-aggrandizing or narcissistic. Well, maybe I am but so what.
Unedited, this article will be edited, with or without notice, as time marches on in its regimental fashion. Personalize it if you wish. Take from it what you will, or don't. Stop here and move on. Copy it, paste it, some or all, share it with your friends and those near and dear, or don't. Though my content is primarily about me, for me, and encompasses me, whoever you are reading this may find I am talking about you; that is because, to whom it concerns, you and I are congregated and consolidated within the same energy.
I am a perfectionist. Always have been, always will be, tried to quit over and again. That may be a self-made mindset, I doubt it.
Everyone has suppressive secrets they are afraid of unleashing. Except me. Darkness and evil need light, too. Without light, they cannot survive and/or thrive.
I am perfect just as I am. So are you, different though we may seem. To harbor any form of guilt, shame, remorse or any other a shit like that is akin to willfully living out lies; I'm sure there are other descriptives for that. Continue enjoying such indulgences or stop, your choice as much as it is my own.
I understand and accept the definition of the word "perfect", complete, unblemished, faultless among otgers. The word actually has more than one meaning*.
A problem I found with perfectionism (yes I said those two "P" words in the same sentence) is a lack of the quality of accepting that perfection is unattainable. Microcosms do not allow perfection as a true state to be possible. Individually, deliberate lines must be drawn somewhere along along the journey to achievement of what cannot be, perfection.
The truth about and antidote for perfectionism, on the other side of unattainable, is realizing and accepting that perfection is a neverending state of unprotected movement and motion. With all its flaws, failures, shortcomings, illusions and strife, perfection is the state of impossible made real at any and every moment.
*per·fect (pûr′fĭkt) adj.
1. Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind.
2. Being without defect or blemish: a perfect specimen.
3. Thoroughly skilled or talented in a certain field or area; proficient.
4. Completely suited for a particular purpose or situation: She was the perfect actress for the part.
5. a. Completely corresponding to a description, standard, or type: a perfect circle; a perfect gentleman.
5. b. Accurately reproducing an original: a perfect copy of the painting.
6. Complete; thorough; utter: a perfect fool.
7. Pure; undiluted; unmixed: perfect red.
8. Excellent and delightful in all respects: a perfect day.
9. Botany Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.
10. Capable of sexual reproduction. Used of fungi. 🤣
11. Grammar Of, relating to, or constituting a verb form expressing action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.
12. Music Designating the three basic intervals of the octave, fourth, and fifth.
1. Grammar The aspect of a verb that expresses action completed prior to a fixed point of reference in time.
2. A verb or verb form having this aspect.
tr.v. (pər-fĕkt′) per·fect·ed, per·fect·ing, per·fects
To bring to perfection or completion: perfected the technique to isolate the virus.
[Middle English perfit, from Old French parfit, from Latin
Source: The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Chaos of Perfectionism
Hardest thing about being a perfectionist is allowing outsiders to slip in and violate the qualities of one's perfection, like a mosquito in a screen tent. And it just takes one. The little fucker uses me as a food source and gives nothing good in return, only pain, irritation and disease. The only appropriate response is to kill it; smack it, swat it, spray it, or miss it.
"Strive for perfection, settle for excellence, and build with FOREVER in mind." - Ryan Bruzan
DISCLAIMER: For entertainment and enlightenment perspective only.
It is surprising to step outside and watch myself build and grow, do a thing and make the next one better, and the next one better. In all actuality, about my improvements, about making myself better, about me, is all about you.
On Perfection, just because something may be unreachable or unattainable doesn't mean I can't at least try. It is fun learning how the rules of engagement work. Truth is, Perfection, in all its flaws, is exactly what I am and so, undeniably, are you. Perfection is the ultimate in humility. Just pee in some dort, make a mud slurry, and wipe it on your eyes; works every time.
I started somewhere. Several times actually and I will continue doing just that until the day I die. When that happens, I will wonder if dying is just another something I had an opportunity to start, somewhere. Come what will, it is not time to entertain that.
Here I am, somewhere along the way at another start. Even though I have been doing the thing for years, I am yet again at the beginning. And when I finish, I'll will be starting over again.
It is quite alright to have at least a feeling of something perfect in this imperfect world. Why can't that something be me? I'm in charge here, I get to decide.
IMHO, despite the desires of a few people for depth and higher understanding, its not about semantics. It is okay to have at least a feeling of something perfect in this imperfect world. How I see it, (granted I am limited to my own perception and speak for myself in the moment) for we who are members of this growing family, it is about being a part of a larger family of people who love people and could use all the help from people who have been through people cycles that people seem to mysteriously and similarly experience as people. (Inhale, exhale). Whoa, that's a lot of people! I have discovered that although I am an individual, I am not alone in this world and could use all the help I can get (and give in return).
Thus, despite the limitations of realities and of the obvious, it may well be as perfect as it gets, for now.
Welcome! Your contribution to this post has made you a part of this family, this body. I'm Ryan; nice to meet ya! Now, whether you are the new growth of an arm, the clippings of a fingernail or a crusty booger to be wiped on this wall, well, that is entirely up to you. 🙂
"Perfect" is a hard word. I used to think that perfection was unattainable, but as one who appreciates the teachings of Jesus (mostly some of them anyway), I find (as humbly as possible) there to be a possibility of attaining at least the opportunity to touch the hem of perfection during my own vapor of existence that I do so enjoy sharing with others at times so long as the aroma is pleasant. I found it written that even perfection has limits. See Psalms 119:96 and Matthew 5:48; make of them what you will. Here, as it shows that perfection has a limit, I am inclined to believe that perfection just might be a part of our lives, something to hope for, something to strive for, something to be or believe in, but based on human perceptions and possible repercussions of publicizing such an opportunity, I don't know that I want to strive for perfection anymore; at least I not telling anyone that I am.
Besides that, who am I, mere mortal, to define God's definition of perfection? If I cannot be perfect, or at least strive to be, or even get a whiff of it, well, then, why bother reaching for it?
I hope that mine, as a vapor, is not the equivalent of a fart, unless, of course, I linger.
Good day!