Top 10 Questions and Answers to Know How Much Influence Facebook Has on You

TAKE THE #FACEBOOKCHALLENGE, straight from the pages of Facebook Anonymous.


Here are the Top 10 Questions and Answers to Know How Much Influence Facebook Has on You. If Facebook isn't it for you, feel free to substitute Facebook here with the social media platform of your own choice.

The Questions

  1. How much of your life is dependent on Facebook?
  2. How much do you condition your relationships based on other people's use and presence on Facebook?
  3. How many times through the course of your Facebook life have you heard something that suggested and/or caused you to think you might spend too much time on Facebook?
  4. Describe three reasons you use Facebook?
  5. How often have you used Facebook to publish a direct or indirect attack at someone?
  6. How often do you come to your device, snacks and refreshments on hand, with a plan to get on Facebook?
  7. When was the last time your device called you to do something specific, but Facebook whisked you away with it's distractions?
  8. How many divorces or breakups, real or pecieved, have you been through, partially or impartially, based what you've seen or heard or contributed on Facebook?
  9. When were the last three days in a row you did not attend Facebook at all?
  10. Have you ever considered Facebook may be an addiction that caused a disease?
  11. When was the last time you've read or seen something on Facebook and told yourself, "That was to/for/about me!"
Social media icons

These are the Top 10 Questions and Answers to Know How Much Influence Facebook Has on You.


Were you, in typical Facebook fashion, hoping to find someone else's answers? Of course! That's Facebook. You'll have to go back and write them in, even if it may seem impossible.

Do you or someone you know think you may have a problem or feeling of addiction when it comes to using Facebook? Here are a few articles to consider.

How Facebook Can Become an ‘Addiction’

How to Control Your Facebook Addiction

Is Facebook harder to quit than smoking?
