What’s Your Problem?

For entertainment purposes only.

🤔 That's like saying, "it is what it is" and "just sayin." Either way it implies you're a dubmas, right? Haven't you ever watched Tiktok? If you haven't, jump in, you're missing out. 😁 Everything on Tiktok is real, 100%, like 🧀.

What's your problem, you ask? Well, lemme tell ya.

I like laughing at "smart" people.

Yes! That's it! I "solved" it, I don't hate stupid people, I hate smart people. Stupid people have zero concern for showing how stupid they are. At least until someone else points it out. That's another story.

Smart people, on the other hand, there is nothing real about those people. Trust me, believe me, I know, I'm smart. I make 💩 up as I go, too. Have you ever saw what a smart person could do with a problem?

Speaking of problems, I'm not allowed to have problems. Everytime I encounter a problem I try fixing it. Doesn't matter if it's my problem or someone else's, when it finds its way to me I try fixing it. It's usually always someone else's problem anyway, I just make it my own.

Speaking of problems again, did you know they only have one purpose? Yep, that's it, just one, single purpose: they need fixin'. Thing is, problems are always in the state of always broken, always. Once you fix em, them ain't problems anymore. Unless, of course, you fix them too much. Then they become better problems and often more problems. How many problems do you have? go ahead, throw a number down in the comments.

"Hurry😲, find a smart person and let em work on your problem before it's too late!"

🤫 Don't tell anyone, it's a secret.

You don't want to converse with me, I know, I'm exhausting, too many loose screws on this janky motor.

But didja know, this isn't the real me? That's right, it's Facebook. Just a big, graffitied wall I vandalized with a fictional rainbow of the day's experiences and someone else's problems. I'm glad you don't know the real me, though, because if you did, I wouldn't have any time for me. Editing is exhausting. That or you simply do not allow your fingers to play.

Could you imagine if Hitler had his own emoji? Oh snap, imagine if social media was around when that guy ruled. How big of a problem would that have been!

Call me, we can talk about it.

Have a nice day! 🙂


They call me Ryan.