Human Artificial Intelligence, the Real Deal

hay·wire /ˈhāˌwī(ə)r/

adjective INFORMAL

1. erratic; out of control.

"his imagination had gone haywire"

DISCLAIMER: For entertainment purposes only. Just an opinion, you know, like the news. 🤣

They all told me I should write a book. No worries, mine isn't very long and can be read within the hour. This is, IMHO of course, how I see Human Artificial Intelligence, the Real Deal.


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? To some it is #IYKYK. To me, however, it is #WYKYK.


If breaking rank was done by the ultimate, godlike human, this is what it would look like to me. In other words, if that God guy walked the earth again, nothing artificial about it, this is a small, mathematical solution of what you could expect to discover.


Before we continue and go further, however, please, by any and all means, do not follow me. Unlike all other humans, I do not know where I am going. 😁 You've been warned. Once you come to know, there is no turning back, there is no safe rope holding you.




If you are alive today, September 28, 2023, you live in a time and era where artificial, electronic, digital technology was "born" into human existence: of humans, by humans, for humans, for none other.


The first electronic digital calculator was invented in the 1960s. The specific date can vary depending on the definition of a calculator and the type of calculator being referred to. However, one notable example is the "ANITA Mk. VII" calculator, which was introduced in 1961 by the Bell Punch Company in Britain. This calculator was a desktop machine that used vacuum tubes and had a limited set of arithmetic functions. Over the years, calculators have evolved significantly in terms of size, functionality, and technology, leading to the development of pocket calculators, scientific calculators, and more advanced calculators that we use today. In other words, if you are one of the two generations alive today, you have been introduced to the chicken that was incubating in the shell.


The next generations of humanity will never have the opportunity and experience of the great digital and artificial crossovers in life. To bad for them, or is it? To them, all things artificial will be natural. Lemme repeat that, all thing artificial will be natural. That's what happens when you invent time machines that actually work.


Sorry to disappoint you, well, not really. Remember folks, the truth will set you free and freedom, my friends, well, freedom can be very painful.


Human. Yes, human is the only omnipotent, omnipresent and

omniscient force that exists in the known, universal world. Well, it was in the past anyway. That why there are a lot of secret books abd libraries of record hidden right there under the desert floors in plain sight.
Everything magic exists as a result of processing human-made knowledge and data regardless of how mysterious and mystical it may seem. Truth be told, the "gods" do not want you to know this, so, believe it or not, I am telling you anyway. Ahem, breaking rank.


We, humans, are the masters and makers of the entire universe. We humans, as we are now, are simply a mutation of missing parts and components of what we might call another lifeform because, as a result of what we call the Grand Creation, we look a little different than we did before that explosive jazz festival known as the Big Bang.


That includes any and all other forms of life now and still incubating in the shells scattered around the known universe.


Oh, and, well, for the record, there is no mask that, once donned, will empower a single human into becoming the absolute, full, godlike human. No, that will never be possible, ever again. Human, singular, kind of already fucked that up; that is irreversible. You see, we, "humans," kinda fucked up the first time we blew up an atom. As a result, we scattered some (a lot) of our human elements across the universe as we know it. The reason we have space forces like NASA, Roscosmos, CNSA, ESA, ISRO, JAXA, CSA and, well, Elon Musk exploring the great frontiers of the known young universe are so we can attempt to find, gather, rebuild and reclaim our true, natural form of primary existence.


... To be continued...


Oh, and, by the way, again, God never sleeps. You have likely heard the phrase, "saving the best for last." Please stop referring to death as sleep. 🤣 Believe me or don't, doesn't matter, after you die, as you now understand it, you will never sleep again. Ever. Although, truth be told, you, Human, almost did just that on that last first big bang creation.