To Conform or Not to Conform, That is the Question

To Conform or Not to Conform, That is the Question




In other words, not free to choose.



Have you ever found yourself in a place you did not choose or plan of your own accord to be in? Have you ever looked up and asked, "How did I get here?" Have you ever worked so hard to make someone else's place your own and it just wasn't happening?




The preceding is likely a place of living and building someone else's dream while compromising one's own. Living by chance under the influence of another's grace and NOT by ones own will is not freedom. This is just accepting what comes and what is by chance. It may be a peaceful and pleasant place to some degree, but the fact it was not a place of your own choosing and making can make the place very uncomfortable and distasteful when such discoveries presents themselves.




As for statements like, "You are lucky to have that," or "I wish I could live in a place like that," those are manipulative statements meant for settlement in an undesired place and absolution from one's own choices and freedoms.




For many this phenomenon of acceptance was planted and started at birth where the baby had no choice of parents and had to make due with the ones s/he got, whoever that may have been.


What happens when you begin to unconform? That's whole other subject.


Don't worry mom, I love you. This isn't about you.