Matchbox Cars and Barbie Dolls

Ah, yes, imaginary friends, my favorites along with Matchbox Cars and Barbie Dolls. Remembering those single digit life play dates. I was a master fantasy maker extraordinaire. Still am actually. I love real people plays, too. Hmm...

We had small dirt hills in the back; it was fun to make dirt roads for Matchbox cars and Hotwheels, climb inside and enjoy some adventures!

It was cool to have collections. The numerous ways to display those little rides was endless, from colorful rainbows to types and categories, etc.

I had a double sided storage box. The times when there was too many cars, they started sharing spaces with perfectly fit partners. Plenty of shared spaces for everyone.

There were restaurants, jails, airports, war zones, crimes scenes, and a girlfriend around every corner. Believe me, the shes didn't even think to question there girlness. That's what happens when you have plenty of friends on both sides.

No churches, though, had to retain an underground part of imagination where wild and innocent tendencies were unadulterated and quarantined from societal and religious dictations and institutions. I had the General Lee car and the big, green guy was my fun protector.

Breaking away into the rebel state in real life was quite fun, too, until either injury put a halt on activities, or some desparate Karen was afraid to pull her pants down and let someone else come in and play.

Anyway, fun times, those were the days. They're not dead yet, either. As long as I'm alive, either come with me or go without me. See ya round. Bring a "dish" next visit, would'ja? I'll bring fire and we can eat.

Today's adventures include flying, a farm and a beautiful woman. 


Matchbox Cars