There is No Room for Infinity Inside Technological Innovation

When it comes to the potential for limits on technology, the opportunities are in such infancy that there is no room for infinity inside technological innovation. I say this because, like the ever-expanding discoveries of the known universe, the circle is getting larger and larger and we explore further and further.


It seems to me Earth's humanity it not satisfied with mere existence. Rather, we humans continue to explore beyond the here and now going farther and father in our search for meaning, purpose and proof in search of the possibility of other intelligent life beyond our own seemingly human solitude.


"A lot of innovative ideas are proposed at this stage. Some of them could be too aggressive to be realized by current technology. Some of them may look promising initially but turn out to not be so useful."


WTF! What are they not telling us? What is the purpose of all this technology? Why do we really need this seemingly infinite level of technology on this solitary planet?


When I look at the transmissive devices that surround me and think about the elements connected behind the plastic and glass shells, one thing I know for certain is we are nowhere near infinite, because if we were at the level of infinite, there would be nothing more beyond.


But who am I? You don't want to here this kind of brainwork and mental discovery from a white man who grew up in a garbage dump. You need to hear this from the oriental man who was playing Bach on a synthesizer keyboard at two days after birth. Seriously, what do I know.